Killing Callie is Coming Soon!
A few years ago, a television show called HUNTED had 9 pairs of contestants trying to stay hidden for 28 days. If they succeeded, they...

My first shipment of WILD LIFE: The Writings of V.M. Narrano arrived this weekend. What fun to open the box and see these beautiful...

New V.M. Narrano Book - WILD LIFE
When Mundane Isn't Enough What if we could cast away restrictions, whether they be our own doubt or a misguided naysayer? What could we...

Got Wisdom?
I wasn't sure what to make of V.M. Narrano when the philosopher's writings made an appearance in Glass Revenge, my sequel to Shattered...

STORM SONG - 1st time FREE! Starting at midnight tonight! Tuesday, November 19, 2019, 12:00 AM PST thru Thursday, November 21, 2019,...

NIGHT SKYY is Available Now!
Just in time, because November is National Adoption Month, and one of the themes of NIGHT SKYY is adoption. I'm excited for you to meet...
New Book Coming!
I'm excited to tell you that NIGHT SKYY is coming fall of 2019! The book is finished and is out to my beta reading team, a group who will...

Healing Powers of Fiction
I'm a firm believer in Fiction. Great stories don't have to be blockbusters or bestsellers to captivate us, nor do they always inspire...

Writing Interrupted
Writing novels is one of those jobs where steady wins the day. Keep writing, keep attacking, keep stretching, keep engaged. However,...

Description that Grabs the Reader
When contrasted with Action and Dialogue, Description can be a yawner opening for a book. Who wants to read paragraphs about the weather,...